Tips to stitch two photos to shoot first.
However, if you plan out your panorama as you shoot, you can avoid many of the
problems. Here are some tips for shooting good panoramas.
■ Minimize the number of photos you take to reduce the number of images you
have to stitch together. If you really, really want a 360-degree panorama you
can take one, but plan on spending a lot of time combining images.
■ There are specialized software programs you can buy; however, I recommend
seeing how well Photoshop works for you before buying one of these.
■ Use a tripod with a panning head as a way to keep all your images level.
Adjust the tripod (use an actual level if necessary) and swivel through your
panorama to make sure the transitions will be smooth before taking the first
photo. Some panheads and ballheads have markings in degrees to help you
align the camera.
■ Try to keep exposures, including lens opening and shutter speed, the same
between pictures so they’ll match more easily, assuming that the light doesn’t
change as you swing the camera to take the individual shots.
■ Remember to overlap your images slightly so you’ll be able to blend each
photo into the next.
■ You should know that, technically, the camera should rotate around the optical
center of the lens, not the center of the camera body to produce the most
realistic perspective. Some panorama attachments for tripods include a plate
that includes a tripod mount under the lens center, rather than in the usual
location under the camera body.
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