Thursday, 24 February 2011

Cross-Processing in photoshop

There are several methods for creating cross-processed images in Photoshop, but
this is one of the easiest. Just follow these steps.
1.Use Layer > Duplicate to create a copy of the background layer.

2. Choose Image > Adjustments > Curves to produce the dialog box shown.

3. Select Red from the Channel drop-down list.

4. Click on the curve at the fourth vertical line from the left on the graph and
drag to the position shown in the figure, making the Input and Output levels 191 and 190, respectively.

5. Click on the curve between the second and third vertical line and drag to the
position shown. The Input and Output boxes should read about 82 and 46,
respectively. This change gives the image a distinct cyan cast in the midtones.

6. Select Green from the Channel drop-down list.

7. Click on the curve at the positions shown on the third vertical lines from the
left on the graph and drag to the positions shown in Figure 3.23, resulting in
Input and Output figures of 125 and 127. Then drag a point on the fifth vertical
line to positions that equal Input and Output values of 255 and 203, respectively.

8. Select the Blue channel from the drop-down list.

9. Click on OK to apply the changes.

10. Next, choose Image > Apply Image, and select Hard Light from the Blending
Mode drop-down list.

11. Set Opacity to 50%, as shown in Figure 3.25, and then click on OK to apply
the change.

12. Use Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast to lighten the image a little
more and add some contrast, according to your taste.

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